Hi There, I’m Jenn Corbett! Welcome to RN for Wellness. Since you popped over to my philosophy tab let me tell you a little bit about me. I graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. I have worked in the medical field for almost twenty years with a specialty in women’s health and pediatrics. I furthered my education in the field of nutrition and its effect on the body and chronic illness.  I now get to live my ultimate dream of working for myself!! RN for Wellness has allowed me to work as an RN independent contractor.

I have been married to a wonderful man and my best friend for 14 years this November and we are raising two wonderful boys. We spent the last 6 years raising our boys in the beautiful town of Oakhurst/Bass lake. A year ago we returned back to our home in Southern California to live this crazy life back in the big city.

As a family we live our life in a way that encourages physical and emotional health for all members.  My  passion is to influence the way our world eats and looks at food. My desire is to use this platform to educate and empower readers to live their best life. The deference with me is that I know health and nutrition has to be achievable. So much of the information out there is strict, expensive, and unattainable for the long haul. I teach on the 80/20 philosophy. Real food 80% of the time and 20% room to move a bit in your food choices. I focus on things that absolutely should be avoided but teach you how to lean in for success.


My overall nutrition philosophy is very simple. I believe we are meant to eat “REAL” food, that is recognizable to our ancestors hundreds of years ago. I believe that the amount of processed and fast food we consume is the key component to the healthcare crisis our country is facing today. I do not believe in dieting, denying oneself, or restriction of certain food groups. I believe if you are eating real food, those things mentioned are not necessary. When we cleanse our diet of the processed foods and chemicals and begin to exercise, achievement of your body’s ideal weight WILL happen. There is no magic formula and no magic pill. Your ideal body comes from dedication to your goals and hard work.

  • More that 90% of the chronic diseases that are killing us today are 100% preventable.
  • I believe that the way we eat directly effects how we and our children function everyday.
  • Our society’s new way of eating is not only killing us but it is killing our children.
  • Obesity has become the number one health threat to our nation.
Rules of the Real Foodist:
I have a few food rules that my family and I follow on a daily basis. Many of them were derived from Michael Pollan’s book, Food Rules but some of them I discovered while on my initial journey to REAL food living.

  1. Try to eat “Real” food. Limit processed foods whenever possible.
  2. Avoid ALL products that contain partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup.
  3. If food won’t go bad, you should not eat it.
  4. If I buy something that is packaged it needs to have as few ingredients as possible.
  5. I must be able to purchase those ingredients in the supermarket where I am buying the above mentioned packaged item.
  6. If your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize it you probably shouldn’t eat it.
  7. Save white sugar for treats and special occasions. They should be a luxury not an expectation.
  8. Eat out occasionally and try to limit fast food.
  9. Know what fruits and vegetables you should buy organic.
  10. Grass fed beef, free range chicken, and fresh fish/shrimp.
  11. We add in vegetarian meals either for lunch or dinner a few times a week.
  12. Lots of whole grains, very limited white pasta/rice/breads.
  13. Avoid synthetic anything, especially sugar (sweet and low, Splenda, equal).
  14. When dishing food out on a plate, meat should be a side dish NOT the main course.
  15. If it comes with excess packaging there is a good chance you should not eat it. (Ex. Fruit Roll-up).
  16. Make a conscience decision with EVERY food item you put in your mouth.


****I am passionate about this life style and I love to build into other moms. Please feel free to contact me if you would like me to speak at your group, meeting, or retreat. I come with great handouts and always something to take away.