Hi loyal friends! I thought I would update everyone on what has been going on over the last year. RN for Wellness, the website has been pretty much silent for almost year. I have still been here, doing my thing, living the whole foods lifestyle. I have updated the Facebook page periodically but for the most part I have been leaning-in to my family through a pretty large adjustment.
Last year it became evident that it was time for us to leave our little mountain community to return to Southern California which is home for us. Doug had some opportunities at work, I was at a crossroads with my career and the business, and we felt like it was time to bring our boys back to family and friends that had been an entrigal part of our life for many, many years. The last year and a half in our small town had been a very difficult year for our family and particularly for Doug and I’s marriage. As all relationships do we found ourselves in a very dark valley. When Doug and I married on November 27, 1999 we made a vow to one another that through good times and bad we would push through. When we were faced with one of the most difficult times in our marriage we made the choice to push through. We both dug deep, leaned in to one another, and leaned in to God. Thankfully we made it and we made it stronger, healthier, and happier then we have ever been. We have come to a place where we can thank God for the storm because the storm made us both better people. We are better individually and better united as one.
In the process of healing we began to look at what areas of our life helped us to grow and what areas of our life did not. We looked at what we wanted for our boys and for our careers. After lots of prayer and counsel with the people we trust most we decided that it was time to return to Southern California. So there began the process of rebuilding our life in a new place. As many of you know this was not a new thing for us. We had done this once before (with a toddler and a baby in my belly I might add) but this time it was different. We were moving home. We were on a foundation of stone, and we were both on exactly the same page. So on Thanksgiving weekend 2012 we loaded up multiple trucks, trailers, and people we love and headed back to Rancho Cucamonga. Now don’t get me wrong leaving Bass Lake was by no means easy. We had developed amazing relationships with people that we know for a fact will be in our life forever. We were able to rent our home (the one I still want to be buried in the yard under the apple tree) to the most wonderful friends who have filled our heart with so much love that leaving them to love on our home was a no brainer. One of the most important relationships in my life was made up there. He helped move us down and unselfishly said goodbye to mountain living with us but has continued to be a support and friend in what he calls our “city” life. Since all transitions are in fact a transition we had to spend some time apart, Doug had to finish his time at his current office and we had to get the boys in school down here at a point where we felt their transition to a new school would be easiest. Needless to say six or so weeks later when Doug was officially home for good we were very happy!!
When we decided to make the move my parents also decided that it was time for them as well. For the first 2 months we all lived under one roof, through the holidays, finding new jobs, and a horrible winter season of illness we lived together. I am not going to say that, that time was easy but I can say we made it through. Now looking back I can definitely see many reasons why God had all of us together.
So what else have we been up to???? Well for starters we immediately began a renovation. We rented Doug’s childhood home and part of the agreement was that we would help renovate it to get it ready to be sold when the time was right. Doug and I have done several remodels so we knew we could help his parents out in this areas. So I went from moving boxes, to 2 1/2 families living here, to plastic and drywall dust. I can honestly say that I seem to be past the drywall dust, my kitchen is almost done, and my house feels somewhat normal for the first time in 11 months.
We have also been busy getting the boys adjusted to life back down here in the “big” city. They both do not have any memories of living down here so it is hilarious to see what changes are a big deal to them. I hear a lot of, “I can’t believe Target is right there!” It used to take us 45 minutes to an hour to get to Target or any other big name chain store so a 5 minute drive is super exciting to them. They love being close to their cousin Frankie and they love that all their grandparents and an uncle and aunt are in the same city. Birthday parties and Holidays are a lot more fun with everyone all together. We have just begun soccer and Doug and I love that our boys finally get to play AYSO and at some of the fields we did as kids.
Doug and I are now both settled in our jobs. Doug is working a great schedule and is able to be off on holidays and weekends. I am excited to report that I am officially 100% self employed!! Rn for Wellness has finally began to become not only something I do primarily as a hobby but also something I get to do to help support our family financially. Every single day I get to do something I love and still get to be Mama when ever duty calls! I have always believed that hard work, passion, diligence, and the support of God and those around you will eventually pay off and I am a true testament that it does!!
So all that being said, I’m back! Thank you to all of you that hung on through the silence. Thank you to all of you who joined me in the quiet time. I can’t wait to get back to sharing with you my favorite recipes and tips to living your healthiest life. I still believe with 100% of who I am that what I stand for is the best way to achieve your goals!!!